{{indexmenu_n>21}} ====== Using Media App Controls ====== **Note:** Certain controls are only available on select storage devices. Therefore, you might not see all of the controls listed here. Additionally, controls may be placed in **More** ({{:products:lma:screenshots:ss-android-ico-more.png?25|}}) on mobile devices with smaller displays. ===== Home page ===== {{:products:lma:screenshots:ss-android-home-nowifi.png?500|}} \\ The Home page appears with each initial launch of the media app. The media app will recall your last view if it remains open on your device as you switch to another app. A simple way to return to the home page is to quit the media app on your mobile device and then open it again. \\ {{:products:lma:screenshots:ss-android-home-tour.png?500|}} \\ - **Connectivity:** Tap on **Connectivity** ({{:products:lma:screenshots:ss-ios-ico-overflow.png?25|}}) to open the selection drawer. The selection drawer allows you to choose a Library or Folder to access its content. Libraries include Videos, Photos, Music, and Documents. Folders are the devices that you are using to access files and media: the mobile device, the mobile storage, and the network-attached storage (NAS). The mobile storage device and NAS must be connected to the same network as your mobile device. - **Devices and Network:** Lists the connections between the mobile and storage devices as well as the network. When first connecting to the wireless storage, you can see your mobile device and the wireless storage. The Wi-Fi network appears after you connect the storage device to the Internet. - **Browse Content and Network Connection:** * Tap **Browse my //Product// content** to enable the selection drawer. //Product// is the name of your compatible storage device. * Manage your storage device's connection to the Internet by choosing the appropriate option. For example, tap on **Connect //Product// to the Internet** to join the storage device to your Wi-Fi network. ===== Access the selection drawer (library view) ===== You have three options for accessing the selection drawer from the home page: - Place your finger on the left edge of the screen and swipe right. - Tap on **Connectivity** ({{:products:lma:screenshots:ss-ios-ico-overflow.png?25|}}). - Tap **Browse my //Product// content**. //Product// is the name of your storage device. ===== Selection drawer ===== {{:products:lma:screenshots:ss-android-drawer-library-tour.png?500|}} \\ - **Connection icons:** Tap on the connection icons to return to the home page. - **Media Library:** Tap on a library to access its content (e.g. Videos and Photos). - **Files and Folders:** Tap on a device to access its content (e.g. the storage device and the mobile device). ===== Library view ===== Icons above a media library give you options to view and manage its content. Review the legend below for the meaning of each icon. \\ {{:products:lma:screenshots:ss-android-library-view-crop.png?500|}} \\ - **Stack:** Tap on these icons to enable the selection drawer. - **Library and Filter:** The media library you are viewing (e.g. Videos, Photos, Music, or Documents). Tap on the name of the media library to filter the contents in the window. For example, filtering options for Photos are: All, Albums, and Date Taken. - **Search:** Tap on the magnifying glass to enable the search field. - **Alerts:** Tap on the bell to see a list of actions and warnings. Actions are available to add new features to the mobile storage (for example, cloud storage sync). Warnings will appear if there is a problem with the storage device (for example, low battery). - **List and Thumbnail views:** Tap on the icon to switch between list and thumbnail views. - **Sort:** Tap on the icon to sort by Title, Date, Size, and Type. Certain sorting options may not apply to all libraries. - **More:** Tap on the **More** icon ({{:products:lma:screenshots:ss-android-ico-more.png?25|}}) to view additional options including Refresh, Select item, Info, Help, and Settings.