{{indexmenu_n>04}} ====== Uploading, Downloading and Sharing Files ====== When you upload a file to your wireless storage device or network-attached storage device, it is placed in one of the libraries according to its type: Videos, Photos, Music, or Documents. A file downloaded from the storage device to your mobile device is managed by the operating system. On a mobile device, sharing a file allows other apps to access it. **Note:** If you are transferring a large amount of content to your wireless storage device, it is recommended that you connect it directly to a computer rather than using a wireless connection. To learn how to copy content to your storage device using a computer, review the storage device's user manual. ===== Upload content from your mobile device to your storage device ===== - Tap on the **Libraries and Folders** content menu on the far left ({{:products:lma:screenshots:ss-ios-ico-overflow.png?25|}}). Choose your mobile device. - Tap on the folder with the contents you want to upload. For example, **Camera Roll**. - Tap on the select icon (check mark) on the upper right corner. - Tap on the items you want to upload. A check mark appears on each item that you select. * To deselect a single item, tap on it. * To select all files in the view, tap **Select Items** on the top left and tap **Select All**. To remove all selections, tap **Deselect All**. - Tap **Actions** on the upper right. - Tap **Upload**. **Note:** Uploaded files can be viewed within media libraries or the device's folder. To view the folder, go to **Libraries and Folders** ({{:products:lma:screenshots:ss-ios-ico-overflow.png?25|}}) and tap on **//Product//** (//Product// is the name of your storage device). Tap on the device folder, e.g. **Tablet**. Browse the sub-folders to view the uploaded files. ===== Download content from your storage device to your mobile device ===== - Tap on the **Libraries and Folders** content menu on the far left ({{:products:lma:screenshots:ss-ios-ico-overflow.png?25|}}). Choose your view (for example, Videos or Photos). - Tap on the select icon (check mark) on the upper right corner of the app screen. - Tap on the items you want to download to your mobile device. A check mark appears on each item that you select. * To deselect a single item, tap on it. * To select all files in the view, tap **Select Items** on the top left and tap **Select All**. To remove all selections, tap **Deselect All**. - Tap **Actions** on the upper right. - Tap **Download**. Downloaded files can only be viewed using LaCie Media. - Tap on the **Libraries and Folders** content menu on the far left ({{:products:lma:screenshots:ss-ios-ico-overflow.png?25|}}). - Tap on your mobile device. For example, John’s iPhone or Mary’s iPad. - Tap on the applicable folder to view the downloaded files. For example, if you downloaded photos, tap on the Photos folder. ==== Saving a downloaded photo to Camera Roll ==== - Follow the instructions for downloading content from your storage device. - Tap on the **Libraries and Folders** content menu on the far left ({{:products:lma:screenshots:ss-ios-ico-overflow.png?25|}}). - Tap on your mobile device. For example, John’s iPhone or Mary’s iPad. - Tap on the Photos folder. - Locate the downloaded photo you want to save to the camera roll and apply a long push on it. - Choose **Save Image**. The photo is available in Camera Roll. ===== Sharing Content ===== - Tap on the **Libraries and Folders** content menu ({{:products:lma:screenshots:ss-ios-ico-overflow.png?25|}}) on the far left. Choose your view (for example, Videos or Photos). - Tap the Edit icon (check mark) in the top right corner of the app screen. - Tap the items you want to share. A check mark appears on each item that you select. * To deselect a single item, tap on it. * To select all files in the view, tap **Select Items** on the top left and tap **Select All**. To remove all selections, tap **Deselect All**. - Tap **Actions** on the upper right. - Tap the **Share** icon. - (Optional) Download the file before it can be shared. * The media app displays a notification when the file is ready for sharing. Tap the **Share File** notification to share the file. ===== Monitoring file transfers (Uploads/Downloads) ===== You can monitor the progress of files that are uploading and downloading in the Tasks screen. - From the home page, tap **Libraries and Folders** content menu ({{:products:lma:screenshots:ss-ios-ico-overflow.png?25|}}) on the far left. Choose your library (e.g. Videos or Photos) from the selection drawer on the left. - Tap the **More** icon (ellipse) on the upper right corner of the app screen and tap **Edit**. - Tap the items you want to Download or Upload. A check mark appears on each item that you select. - Tap **Actions** to choose **Download**/**Upload**. - While downloads/uploads are in progress, tap the **Notifications** icon (bell). - Tap **Uploads**/**Downloads**. The Tasks screen displays your transfer activities with a progress bar.