{{indexmenu_n>07}} ====== Using Media App Controls ====== You can use the control bar at the top of the screen to select a storage device, check Wi-Fi connections, change settings, and get online Help. Note that certain settings are only available on select storage devices. Therefore, you might not see all of the controls listed here. Additionally, controls may be placed in **More** (ellipse) on mobile devices with smaller displays. \\ {{:products:lma:screenshots:ss-ios-navbar.png?500|}} \\ - **Libraries and Folders:** Tap on the content menu icon to select a Library or Folder ({{:products:lma:screenshots:ss-ios-ico-overflow.png?25|}}). Libraries include Videos, Photos, Music, and Documents. Folders include the devices that you are using to access files and media: the mobile device, the mobile storage, and the network-attached storage (NAS). The mobile storage device and NAS must be connected to the same network as your mobile device. - **Library:** The Library or Device that you are viewing. - **Sort, View, and Filter:** Tap on the down arrow to sort content (Title, Date, Size, and Type) or to choose a View (Thumbnails and List). Filtering is also available in the Recent library. - **Items:** The number of items displayed on the page and total amount of items. - **Getting Started:** Tap on the icon to view the Getting Started tutorial. The icon will disappear once you have selected **Done** on the tutorial. - **Search:** Tap on the magnifying glass to enable the search field. - **Select:** Tap the check mark to select multiple items within the window. Once selected, you can choose to play or view all items. - **Alerts:** Tap on the bell to see a list of actions and warnings. Actions are available to add new features to the mobile storage (for example, cloud storage sync). Warnings appear if there is a problem with the storage device (for example, low battery). - **More:** Tap on the ellipse to view additional options including Refresh, Wi-Fi, Users, Battery use, Settings, and Help.