Table of Contents


Your LaCie NAS's storage is divided into shares, also known as network folders. This page allows you to create new shares, assign access rights to users and groups, and to adjust share protocols. By default, your LaCie NAS has two shares, admin and Public. You can begin working with these shares immediately or create new shares.

Note on the admin share name: The name of the share admin will update automatically if the administrator changes the login name from the default admin (see Connect to the Network).

Important info: In text fields, you can enter 1 to 20 characters using letters, numbers, hyphen, and underscore. No other symbols, special characters, punctuation, or spaces may be used. Do not begin or end with a hyphen or underscore.


Public and private shares

The following table shows the differences between public and private shares:

Name Accessibility Login Availability
Private Accessible only to assigned users Password-protected (user password) Computers on the network and remote access (must be enabled)
Public Public, accessible to any user on the network None Computers on the network and remote access (must be enabled)

New share

Choose Add share and fill out the required fields. If you have more than one volume, a pulldown menu allows you to select the volume for the share. Your LaCie NAS can have up to 256 shares.

Single volume

Multiple volumes

Existing shares

Shares are organized in a table.


Share protocols: specific values for services

For a full description of services, please see Service Priority.

The blue circle in the Status column indicates that a service follows the global service value. The circle will become white if the service for the share does not adhere to the global service value. A red circle means that the service has not been turned on in General Settings.

An administrator will change the share protocol when the:

Both settings are available in General Settings. To change a protocol for a specific share:

  1. From Dashboard > Shares, locate the share you want to change and then select one of the following:
    • Click on the circle (blue/yellow)
    • Select the configuration icon (pencil) to choose Access protocols.
  2. Select the radio button in the Activated or Deactivated columns to turn the service on or off for the share.


Manage share access

  1. Choose the configuration icon (pencil) in the right-hand column and select either the Users or Groups tab. You can also click on the numbers in the Users or Groups columns associated with the share.
  2. In the left-hand column of the resulting window, the users or groups without access to the share are listed. Select the user or group to be granted access, then choose the add arrow (pointing right) either to the Read + Write access cell or to the Read access cell.

To withdraw access, select a user or group in the Read + Write access or Read access cell and choose the remove arrow (pointing left).

Check the box next to Enable Read access to guests on the network to give read-only access to anyone on the network, including non-users.


Delete a share

Deleting a share and data: Note that deleting a share also deletes all files on the share and will cause any associated backup jobs to fail.

  1. Select the configuration icon (pencil) to choose Delete.
  2. Confirm in the dialogue window.