1. Introduction

The LaCie CloudBox is your home cloud storage, granting your family easy access to files on home computers, mobile devices, TVs, and game consoles.

Use this manual as a complement to the Tutorials available on your LaCie CloudBox. The Tutorials will answer your most pressing questions as you get started with the LaCie CloudBox. See 2.a Connect Your LaCie CloudBox to read how to connect to the Tutorials.

If you require additional instructions, this manual offers enhanced details on basic installation, standard operation, and advanced settings. As your experience with the LaCie CloudBox grows, you can take advantage of its rich set of features, including device management using the LaCie CloudBox Dashboard, playing media on your connected TVs/game consoles, and much more.

If you encounter problems during installation, please see our online CloudBox-Help page, a short list of frequently asked questions, and LaCie CloudBox Support.